June 24, 2007

Who am I serving?


Today I read the whole first chapter of Galatians along with other references in Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself Bible study.  The chapter was about not being misled by false teachings.  I thought about all the false teachings that are out there - even in many churches the Bible is not believed or preached as truth.  There are many false teachings out there in the world - what about the one many of us have learned that we can never have too much stuff?  Or how about the teaching too many young women believe...that if you don't have a perfect body, you don't matter.  There's the false teaching that the only thing that matters is how much fun I have (my kids believe this one).  And there's the false teaching that too many parents believe - my kids will turn out ok even if I don't spend much time with them.  I admit I've been swayed by every one of these false teachings. 

According to Paul the only thing that truly matters is that God approves of what I do, that what I do pleases Him.  I don't need to worry so much about pleasing my kids, my husband, my parents, my friends, my church, or any other person including myself!  Instead focus on pleasing God.  I imagine in pleasing Him I will also please many of the people in my life, but God doesn't want me to focus on them (or myself) so much that I don't even ask Him what He thinks. 

Lord, I am blown away once again by the power of Your Word.  I am convicted of how many times I have acted without a thought to what Your will is.  Forgive me, Lord, and help me to walk in Your way, asking You what Your will is before I start doing what I want or what I think will please someone else.  Amen.

Posted by jennbeck at June 24, 2007 07:19 AM