June 14, 2007

Dealing with Mixed-Up Emotions

I have to make so many decisions every day.  What to wear?  Where to go with the kids?  What to do about blatant disobedience?  How to parent my children?  How to spend my "free time"?

How lost I sometimes feel, so uncertain of what to do or which direction to go.  I allow the world or myself to be my shepherd instead of trusting the True Shepherd to guide me home.  I end up on a mountain of futile thinking.  I ignore what I know God wants me to do and become insensitive to the leading of His spirit.  I become helpless, and it seems everyone is harassing me, even though they may mean well.  I become afraid and terrified even when there is no reason to be.  I roam and wander aimlessly, trying to find my way back home to my resting place.

Jesus has not forgotten me.  He is out looking for me, and He will find me and bring me to the resting place He has prepared for me because He came to seek and to save what was lost.  He is compassionate, righteous, and holy, and He wants to grow those qualities in me. 

On the way home, I need to shed my old self -- all the sins, cravings, desires, and trappings of this world.  I will need a new attitude of the heart and of the mind, and then I will be able to put on the new self, which is like Jesus. 

Lord, help me to stop wandering and listen for Your voice calling out to me.  I want to be able to know which direction You want me to go in.  Help me to stop going my own way or the world's way, but to walk in Your way.  Amen.

Posted by jennbeck at June 14, 2007 07:16 AM